citate si invataminte

Cum vuieste internetul de mesaje motivationale, citate si alte din acestea menite sa ne faca sa ne simtim mai bine, am zis sa ma aliniez si eu “planetelor”. Ce mi-a fost la indemana a fost sa ma uit in Kindle. Ce nu mi-a fost la indemana a fost sa le scriu, caci, deh, mi-e lene. (daca stiti cumva cum pot sa imi trimit citatele de pe Kindle  direct pe blog, as fi recunoscatoare).

Dar sa lasam vorba si sa curga citatele.

1. First you establish what is important; then you get people to do a little of it, then a little more. It is commitment to a process of continually improving things that matter. I describe this as a managerial styleof insistent patience: “Rome wasn’t built in a day, but we are building Rome.” Encouragement is an essential ingredient in the recipe.

2. You’re going to live with yourself for a long tome. It’s your own good opinion to yourself that matters more than anyone’s else. Be kind to yourself. Plenty of people are prepared to judge you. Why do it for them?


3. Perhaps a majority of us in supervisory or managerial roles prefer to wait until the problem is so bad that we have to deal with it. After all, we do have other things to do, and discussing with another person their weaknesses is not always our favorite activity.


4. Nothing was, nothing will be; everything is, everything as existence and is present.


5. Action may not always bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action


I like to be consultative. That doesn’t mean unanimity, or even consensus. It means soliciting views, asking a lot of questions, and then deciding. I like to hear other people’s opinions. Don’t let me behave any other way. I don’t like to launch things that I’m not prepared to follow through on. If I’m involved in an initiative, expect me to monitor it carefully – and let me know if I don’t. I don’t make promises I can’t keep; you should fire me if I don’t live up to that promise. I like to be straight and tell the truth. I want to hear the bad news, if there is any, and I want to hear it early enough for me to try to help and do something about it. Life is too short for politics and playing.

PASAJES from Luis Paris on Vimeo.