first month and a half in london

It’s a month and a half since I moved to this crazy-flamboyant-lovable city called London. I must admit, I fell in love with it at the end of last year, when I took my first trip here to meet my beloved one. Of course all the Christmas decorations mesmerized me at that moment, but I was sure that the vibe of London doesn’t disappear after the winter holidays.
So, here I am – as a Brian Adam’s song says. Here I am wandering on the streets of London as more than a visitor. I am now a person of this city. One that has already started some small work here (one that I wasn’t actually looking for, but it simply happened).
And here are my first thoughts about London:
-the clouds are closer to my balcony. I stare, and I stare at this sky and the moon… it gives you a feeling of being closer to the universe…
-the fuzziness has its benefits. Like when you have a bad day and you can simply get lost in the crowd. And you can find the crowd very, very easy…
-British people? Haha, keep looking for them. It’s hard to find them. You’ll find Russians, Romanians, Italians, polish people, Brazilians etc, etc, etc.
-food? OMG! I could buy for a whole year and not get tired of trying new stuff.
-long live amazon for ordering anything. On time (sometimes even faster)
-work? You can find it. You just have to be focused. Extremely focused.
-PARKs! Every park has its uniqueness. Just go and see for yourself. It brings peace to your mind, your soul. The parks are my favorite places, probably everywhere. But here, in London, the parks are amazing. Calm, vibrant, although very, very alive!
For now on I will try to write more in English, only because I need it. I will not forget my mother language. I keep speaking Romanian every day, but I feel it will help me improve my second language, mainly because I needed for my work.